Friday, October 26, 2018

you got me!

Image result for seeing thru marisa tomei's eyes

--Jubilee and Rogue

--Maybe an anime, Akira

--Lady Gaga with Naomi on the right check

-Puckered lips, total vamp
  -- Winona Rid her

Thursday, September 27, 2018

A Pitch for a Football Star

Image result for tom and nicole

Tom: A little bit of Bay and Christian Bale mixed togehter: Clearly the year American Psycho was released...
Nicole: David Lynch and (?) -- Who would work with her?

Monday, August 27, 2018

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Who's this dude?

i'll tell you what, he ain't roger ebert, and I'm starting to wonder, if he's even jeffery dahmer.

--Mean Melanie Martinez

She's a caramel, that's all... #M&M's

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

riddle me this riddle me that who is that man who looks like jack?

Saturday, July 21, 2018

The Next Robin Williams

Hey folks,

Newbie back at you, again, of course...

I will remind you, that while this blog is most certainly free, it ain't coming cheap. Cause time is money, and man motherfucker, you know I'm schizo. But to get the most out of ya'll chimps, I must remind ya, I really died and shit. So take a guess and can figure out who I am, pros...

That's right, bitches, Mr. Motherfucking Robin Williams, not!!!

That's so totally Mr. Spielberg even I would blush, but if only I could learn #HTML.

But if ya'll motherfuckers don't believe me, check out this mean motherfucker.

Total man crush...

Catch y'all later...


Spielberg is So Eric Clapton

Hey Folks,

Newbie here. This is a new blog for those who like to find clues and discover hidden passions, as well as trace the future as they figure out the past. But for some of us, we just dig staying in the moment.

But if you aren't in the know, then remember one thing. There once was a George Lucas, but I swear he's dead because he's so not Eric Clapton!

Talk about a hunk. But if you don't believe in magic, as I know most of you don't, I swear there once was a man who dared to imitate his idol, let alone hero. But to see that, you must believe...

I'll tell you what tho, he definitely didn't Shake a Speare, but he was known to throw a Spiel. Just don't ask the next Berg, cause he ain't got shit to do either.

Now if that ain't a spitting image of Mr. Eric Clapton, you can call me Steven and slap me silly. Yo, we're both from Ohio. I know you picked me!!!


